
Our processes are certified and accredited to the highest level of industry standards.

Peace of mind

Our facilities and operations are certified and accredited to the highest level of industry standards, giving you complete confidence. We work closely with industry associations to ensure our business operations adhere to, and exceed, established recognised industry standards.

n2s are regularly audited by industry bodies to ensure we continue to meet environmental, quality and data security requirements. 

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ISO 45001

ISO 45001

The international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. ISO 45001​ provides a comprehensive framework that we use to manage and continually improve our occupational health and safety performance.​
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FSQS - Helios

FSQS - Helios

Helios enables more effective compliance with the finance sector. FSQS is a pre-qualification supplier system used in banks, building societies, insurance companies and investment companies.
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DVSA - Goods Vehicle Operators Licence


Goods vehicle operator’s licence which enables us to operate our HGV fleet across the whole of the UK, supplementing our fleet of smaller vehicles.​
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Environment Agency - Waste Carrier

Environment Agency - Waste

Environment agency waste carriers’ licence. This enables us to carry waste electrical and electronic equipment using our fleet of vehicles.​
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Environment Agency - AATF

Environment Agency - AATF

n2s adhere to specific regulations and standards set by the Environment Agency. We must meet stringent criteria regarding environmental protection, waste management practices, and data security to ensure that electronic waste is processed safely and responsibly.​ This represents approval by the Environment Agency to operate an Approved Authorised Treatment Facility.
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Environment Agency - Permit

Environment Agency - Permit

These permits are an essential regulatory tool to ensure that waste management activities are conducted responsibly and in accordance with environmental regulations. They help safeguard the environment, promote recycling and waste reduction, and prevent pollution and harm to human health.​
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BMRA Membership


n2s are members of the British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA). This is the trade association representing the interests of the UK's metal recycling sector.​
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Safe Contractor

Safe Contractor

SafeContractor is a third-party accreditation scheme designed to assess and demonstrate the health and safety competence of contractors and service providers.​
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ISO 9001

ISO 9001

An international standard that sets out the criteria for quality management systems. It provides a framework for us to establish robust quality management systems that drives continuous improvement and efficiency and promotes customer satisfaction.​
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ISO 14001

ISO 14001

This is an international standard for environmental management systems and provides a comprehensive framework to manage environmental responsibilities. By aligning environmental objectives with business goals we achieve environmental sustainability, reduce risks and enhance our overall performance.​​
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ISO 27001

ISO 27001

This is an international standard for information security management systems and provides a framework for managing information security risks enhancing our organisational resilience.​
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Information Commissioners Office

Information Commissioners Office

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is an independent regulatory authority in the United Kingdom that oversees and enforces data protection laws. It is responsible for upholding information rights, promoting openness by public bodies and protecting individual's personal data.​​
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National Cyber Security Centre CE Plus

National Cyber Security Centre CE Plus

NCSC Cyber Essentials Plus is an advanced cybersecurity certification programme designed by the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). It builds upon the basic Cyber Essentials certification and offers additional benefits and assurances.​​
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National Cyber Security Centre CAS-S

National Cyber Security Centre CAS-S

We have been assessed by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) CAS-Scheme and are approved to provide data sanitisation services for IT equipment protectively marked under the Government Classification Scheme up to “Secret” level.​
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NHS Digital – Data Security and Protection Toolkit

NHS Digital – Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards.​ All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly.​​
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Carbon Reduction Plan

Carbon Reduction Plan

n2s’ carbon reduction plan outlining commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050
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Andrew Gomarsall speaking

Andrew Gomarsall

Executive Director

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